Bunny, the model
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Babinetz
Future changing table, current home of the stuffed animals
Well we're actually on our way to a nursery. Nothing fancy but some nice cherry wood with pink and light green bedding (to be seen at a later date when it's done!) We've got a glider, changing table, and crib and dresser on the way via New Port Richey. Sara sent us beautiful embroidered things for Hannah that just happen to be the perfect colors! I've always wanted something special with her name on it and Sara didn't even know that! God is very good in giving us little secret desires of our hearts. We are ready to hold her but for now, Elmo and the bunny are stepping in. It's amazing what a kid you become when you have a kid on the way!

So glad you liked the baby things - I love it when God answer's a prayer/desire like that! Hannah will be here before we know it! PS - it's time for a belly shot update! :)
Hmm. I have a bunch of Christian children's books and some items from my communion that I don't want anymore, do you want them if you come up to visit? I've been trying to get rid of them but no one is taking them. Maybe you can use it?
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