Friday, October 31, 2008

Fun Stuff

Bunny, the model
The first gifts with her name on it- precious! The colors perfectly match her beddingElmo hooded towel for Daddy to keep Hannah warm when she gets out of the bath The new glider- Thanks Grandma Wolf! Grandpa Babinetz transporting the crib and dresser on his trailer
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Babinetz Future changing table, current home of the stuffed animalsWell we're actually on our way to a nursery. Nothing fancy but some nice cherry wood with pink and light green bedding (to be seen at a later date when it's done!) We've got a glider, changing table, and crib and dresser on the way via New Port Richey. Sara sent us beautiful embroidered things for Hannah that just happen to be the perfect colors! I've always wanted something special with her name on it and Sara didn't even know that! God is very good in giving us little secret desires of our hearts. We are ready to hold her but for now, Elmo and the bunny are stepping in. It's amazing what a kid you become when you have a kid on the way!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pink Invasion

My first present to my little girl
My mom didn't want Nick to feel left out. For coming home from the hospital Love the little pantsA tank for FLAAnd a splash of purple for momThe bunny for company, the pig for Hannah's college fund For chilly nightsAnd messy meals Thanks mom!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our new friend

Welcome home!

Our new addition

He's really fun!Go Gators! A game night out in Gainesville with green nachos! This town goes crazy!

A "baby belly" shot for Lauren My mom came this weekend with arms full of pink goodies. Lauren asked me to post a side shot so here we go. I've been very blessed to have bought a few maternity clothes and then given about 2 huge boxes worth from ladies from church and work. Almost all of them say to just pass the clothes on because they are done. We also have a new addition to our family, Tickle Me Elmo. We discovered one of his off-shoot toys and then on a trip to Toys R Us with my mom, she bought one for Nick. Yes, he looks pretty serious but he can be pretty silly which makes things fun. He went on a Men's Getaway to Daytona but left Elmo home to greet me with some flowers. So Elmo, and then my mom, kept me company. You have to admit, he's kind off cute. So that's about all that is going on in our world. Looking forward to seeing some of you in NYC in 6 weeks!


I apologize for not posting in the last month. Everything is going well. I have just been extremely tired. I also don't like to post without pictures and I haven't had much time to sit down at the laptop and go through them. I am very excited to be close to the third trimester. I thought it was at 24 weeks but some people say 26 weeks so I'm counting 25 weeks as close enough. We start the classes next month so that should be interesting. I've heard from a lot of people that I should be feeling Hannah moving around and that it would feel like a flutter. But I haven't felt a flutter so I got nervous and went to the doctor. As soon as she put the "doppler" (baby heart montior) on me, she heard two kicks so I know Hannah is OK. Maybe she's just a really peaceful baby. I have been feeling some things but I would describe it more like popcorn popping inside. It's kind of cool. I'll try to post more soon.