Thanks to the New Yorkers (or former New Yorkers) for coming to our wedding. It was such an honor to have you. I am still kind of shocked that you made that kind of investment in supporting us. I miss you! We caught a few of your smiling faces on camera. You're so photogenic! It was a dream come true for me to have Andrea and David play the song David and I wrote, "True Love Dies". When the church closed in January 2007, I told David, "I don't know who I'm going to marry but when I do, I hope you can come play my song." And he did. I cried at the rehearsal when I heard them play it for the first time in a year. God gave it to me when I didn't know who my true love was so it was pretty surreal to stand next to Nick as he heard it the first time. I am so glad Jesus set the example for true love so we could learn to love one another the way He first loved us. And when we fail to love the way we want, we can be encouraged that His love for us never fails. He always gives us a second chance. "Love never fails..." I Corinthians 13:8
You and Nick are a good-looking couple. Thanks for baby-sitting the other night and for staying late to hang out. Next time y'all need to come out with us!
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