Nick's family at his grandmother's 75th birthday.
Even the dog is cute!
Nick's super sweet parents
My mom meeting Nick for the first time
Our first gift- thanks Mom!

Dana had a wedding planner in my hands within 24 hours!

When I finally actually publish the whole story, you'll hear more about meeting Nick's family. But the day after we were engaged, we surprised his grandmother in New Port Richey for her 75th birthday party. It's only an hour from my mom so we visited everyone. My mom actually wanted to meet the guy, imagine that! When we sat down to eat at his aunt's house, we realized it was our first meal together. It felt like the most normal thing in the world to just sit around the kitchen table telling our story. When we got to my mom's house, she blessed us with a beautiful memory box. We were very grateful to find out that our families lived so close. I knew I always liked Tampa! Go Bucs!
Go Dallas!
Did you know we love Czechs?
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