Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rings and Things

For the guys...the ladies...

...and the kids. My number one blog request is, "We want to see the ring, close-up!" So for my adoring public :), here you go. I've never been seriously into rings but I always liked the "square" or in lady-like terms, "princess" cut. Nick always liked that cut too, which happens to us a lot. We find ourselves agreeing on things we never discussed. God is the best matchmaker! Anyway, since this is a blog for the whole family, here's a picture of Pastor Fabian's new motorcycle for the guys in New York. The Chapov kids look too cute with the Chong-You kids. Isn't the family of God beautiful?

1 comment:

gina said...

wow, you have a diamond ring! it's official now.