Wednesday, September 26, 2007
It's Official!
January 20, 2008
1:00 pm
The Rock of Gainesville
9818 SW 24th Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32607
I'm actually getting married!!!!!!!!!
(and Nick too :))
It's a miracle!
If I actually know you (not sure in cyberspace), I'll get you details ASAP.
To our families, I can't wait to see you!
To New Yorkers, we will be having a serious reunion so,
"I don't care how you get here, get here if you can."
Love, Victoria
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Rings and Things
...and the kids. My number one blog request is, "We want to see the ring, close-up!" So for my adoring public :), here you go. I've never been seriously into rings but I always liked the "square" or in lady-like terms, "princess" cut. Nick always liked that cut too, which happens to us a lot. We find ourselves agreeing on things we never discussed. God is the best matchmaker! Anyway, since this is a blog for the whole family, here's a picture of Pastor Fabian's new motorcycle for the guys in New York. The Chapov kids look too cute with the Chong-You kids. Isn't the family of God beautiful?
First of Many Firsts

Monday, September 17, 2007
Miracles Happen and Dreams Come True
My Miracle
After many years, and a few tears, I have met the man of God's dreams for me, Nick Babinetz. He was worth waiting for. I am beyond overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Mere words couldn't describe him so I'll let you all find out for yourselves when you meet him. You're all invited to the wedding as soon as we figure out when. I know we have some explaining to do but I have morning prayer so there's just no way I can get into now. I do owe you all a picture so here it is. Don't worry, you will get plenty of details in the days ahead. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me in preparation for this next season of my life. Please pray for Nick and I as we begin to fulfill the purposes of God together in our generation.

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Rock UF College Reception
Pastor Fabian and Hector!
The pastors pray over Pastor Fabian, Andrea and Hector
Pastor George greeting Rock UF
Gene's Testimony
Guys I haven't met yet enjoying the fiesta
The Luca Family and Grandma Powell
How many Rock UFers does it take to deflate a cactus?
With our new friend Rachel, from the Bronx- small world!
From Rock UF to New York City to Rock UF- what an adventure!

It's Official! Pastor Fabian is back as the fearless leader of Rock UF. Pastor George announced today that he is placing Pastor Fabian over Rock UF with Hector as his assistant, just in time to greet 140 college students and young professionals at the College Reception. Yes, you read that right, 140!!!! It was the most ever at a College Reception. We ate tacos from Mo's, won prizes, shared testimonies and laughed a lot. There are not many places I'd rather be then with a group of college students who are passionate about God and life. You can just feel the excitement in the air. I can't wait to see what this new year has to bring!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Baptism and Pizza
Yvanka finds her luggage!

Discussing the meaning of baptism
Becoming a new creation

Proud of our girl!
Brittany, Mackenzie and Josh- 17 and a senior!
Mackenzie, Dana, Georgio and Baby Luca 3!
Mike & Sheila back in FLA, at least for visit
This holiday weekend gave us the perfect chance for a little mini-reunion. Mike and Sheila were in town visiting family and Yvanka came to get baptized, visit The Rock and hang out with us. We had a quick scare at the airport- no luggage! When the attendant came walking in with her luggage that had been left on the plane, we almost hugged him. That explains the huge grin on our faces! Anyone who knows Yvanka knows that she exudes joy so yellow is definitely her color. Later that day, Yvanka fulfilled her six-month plus dream of being baptized by Pastor Fabian with her close friends. Then we had some pizza and a mini-reunion with the Chapovs, Donovans and Lucas. Josh turned 17 on August 31st so we celebrated him as well. Food and family, what better way to spend the day?

My Family
Shawn, Kathy, Blake, Zach, Ty and Hailey Black

Colt Black

For anyone who hasn't had a chance to meet them, I'd like to introduce my sister and family. Shawn and Kathy were married two days after they graduated from the Air Force Academy. Kathy served as an officer for several years and Shawn has been a pilot for many more. They are now both embarking on their new carreer as online professors. They are some of the greatest people I know. On the side, they've been raising a family of five amazing kids. Blake, 12, is super smart and will probably be the first person to actually invent a time machine. Zach, 10, is an incredible hockey player and wil probably play for the Tampa Bay Lighting someday. Ty, 7, is as good at baseball as he is at hockey so he could probably pick which sport he wants to play professionally. Hailey, 2, is as pretty as she is tough so she's a double threat. Colt, 5 months, born in the van, sounds like he has an adventurous life ahead of him. I can't wait to see the great future that lies ahead for all of them. I hope you all get to meet them someday!
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