My Backyard
Mom chillin at the pool
My Home Church

Rock UF service

Dad heading back to Mexico

Andrew, Sam and Devin visiting form NYC
Arielle having fun at the BBQ

The Chong-Yous and Prigdens- First dinner guests at my new table
Aiden likes my new chairs
Jamie, Sarah and Aiden
Nigel, the new dad with baby Mia
Julie and Dillon, Ian's spitting image

Alyssa's purple bunny suit
The girls at The Rock UF Fall Kick-Off

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to sunny Florida! I'm here reporting live from Gainesville, Florida, home of the 2007 national football and basketball champs, on the eve of the first football game at The Swamp. As orange and blue t-shirts appear and motorhomes arrive, you can feel the excitement in the air. Gainesville just wouldn't be Gainesville without Florida football.
But behind the obvious lies a different kind of excitement. Across town, The Rock of Gainesville is preparing to celebrate 20 years of loving God, each other and the community. Rock UF, the reinvigorated college ministry, just kicked off their fall semester with 80 students. These aren't just any students, these are young men and women who are serious about fulfilling the purposes of God in their generation. They are preparing for the College Reception this Sunday, where many students will take hold of a greater vision for their lives and what it means to be a part of the family of God. Because the prominence of Florida athletics is not an accident. God has a plan for this city and He will use whatever it takes and whoever is willing to accomplish His purposes. Stay tuned...
Now that I got that out of my system, it's me, Victoria. Three months ago I promised pictures so here's a few. I just bought a new camera so I hope this will be the beginning of many more pictures and chances to share our lives. Please keep in touch and send pictures too. I would love to hear about all the great things God is doing in your life and in your world.
hey, i love your blog! it will be fun keeping up with you :) love ya!
Tks a bunch for the pics Vic ! We need MORE ! More of your apartment, the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom ! I need to visualize where you spend your days !! And your backyard, looks like a fancy luxury resort ! I love it !!!!!!
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